Hi again everyone, I am so sorry I haven't made a new tutorial in a while, I just haven't been feeling very inspired... until I watched Daisy Stall's tack room tour on Youtube and saw all the cool things she had made!
(if you haven't seen it go check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3Yg06ETho4&t=1s)
Anyway, I loved her feed bin as it was so realistic, so I tried to make one myself! I made mine slightly different so I won't be copying hers. But here's some sneak peaks:

And with some 'feeds'

This tutorial should be out with the next newsletter, so look forward to that!
Also, if you have any suggestions for tutorials, please comment them below!
Yes it is cat food xD And that's a great idea, you mean like a paper poster?
Wow! awesome feed bin 🤩
In the last photo does the left hand 'slot' have cat food in it?
Lol sorry it actually looks very realistic and I kinda wanna try it 😂
Ohhhh also I have a idea for a tutorial or maybe just some inspiration or something 😂
You could make a feed chart! I just thought of that before, it would probably be pretty fun to make!