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  • Writer's pictureEmily

Progress Report (I guess)

Sorry if I haven't posted much lately I have been studying for upcoming exams and doing ALOT of prep work. Skiving Leather, priming and sanding models and generally not getting a lot of many hours of work. However, in the past few days, things have really started to come together. I finished two custom models, a full English tack set and a western bridle.

Firstly this hunter type pony.

(hint, use the arrows to toggle between photos)

A while back I bought a small bulk lot off trade me, the price was very reasonable being it included three Classic Breyer horses, three Classic Foals and a Stablemate. It also had about 20 knock-off type Schleich which I have been working on customising (very) slowly.

I do plan to sell some of the customs before Christmas so if you have something you are interested in let me know.

Next custom pony, this one was in the works for a long, long, long time. I basically had him on my desk and any time I had a little extra epoxy mixed up I would smoosh it onto him. This image from google gives you a pretty good idea of what he started as.

Not very nice as you can see, but approximately stablemate size. I sort of decided that he was going to be a trekking horse type build. Compleat with the "I don't care what the crazy monkey on my back is doing I just follow the horse in front of me." vibe.

He was sitting on the windowsill behind my desk in primer for a way too long when my sister @Alexis asked if she could paint him, I said she could and so she did. Here are the finished pics of this collaboration pony.

On to tack.

This first set is a commission and it will be shipped to its new home as soon as its buyer has given everything the final ok.

I am not sure I have ever made a complete set of tack all made to go together, all at once. I am super pleased with how this turned out and if the customer backs out for some reason well I wouldn't be heartbroken to keep this set. On a side note, this set is to be worn by a slightly larger horse, so it looks a little chunky on Destiny.

(just ignore the upside down stirrup)

Lastly, I finished a Western bridle, I am really pleased with this one. I love the button knots, in particular.

What do you guys think?


Edit, I have just noticed that the slideshows have cropped the photos weirdly, may just be my view....

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